The Juicy Truth About The Seasonality of Tropical Fruits

As I age, I’m becoming more and more of an anthropologist at heart. I just wanna know everything about how people work! And that extends to food—I am constantly pondering about the seasons for avocados and watermelon (Pomology they call the study of fruits). Flummoxed when I go to the market asking the vendors, “Yuh […]

Simple Lamb Steak Recipe

pan fried lamb leg steak sliced and placed on top mashed potatoes

Pan Fried Lamb Leg Steak, served with Minted Candied Carrots Try this aromatic and tender steak taken from the lamb leg. It is quite easy to cook well – even if you cook it well-done, it’s still delicious. Thrill your dad with this novel and premium lamb, yet simple lamb steak recipe this Father’s Day. […]

Easy Salmon En Croute with Spinach and Cream Cheese

Overhead view of Easy Salmon en Croute

The Salmon Wellington also known as Salmon en Croute, is a minor degree less luxurious than its close relative the Beef Wellington. I have simplified this recipe to make for a quicker meal prep experience, by replacing with some premade ingredients – For example, there is no duxelles (which is a mushroom paste) or bacon, […]