Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Working with Chef Samantha as a social influencer – unlock a world of opportunities for your brand!

Tap into a highly engaged social media following across Email, Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram that loves food and trusts Chef Samantha!


How I Help Brands

Working with an influencer like Chef Samantha provides a target audience of people who are likely to take an interest in your offer. I help you:

Build Trust

Leverage the influence of my personal brand to prove credibility, show reliability and develop intimacy for your personal brand.

Grow Brand Awareness

Grab your audience's attention with compelling and attractive content. My team leverages content marketing to create organic conversations, and when needed, leverage paid advertising to quickly accelerate reach and awareness.

Align With Like Minds

I love working with brands, manufacturers and distributors that value wholesome growth for consumers.

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Brands I've Worked With

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Available for monthly Content Creation retainers, producing content for ATL and BTL campaigns, influencer marketing collaborations, catering and recipe development.

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